Cocoa Facial
Uma Thurman, Madonna and Victoria Beckham are all reported to indulge in chocolate facials. Raw cacao (cocoa) powder is now considered one of the world’s most beneficial super foods emerging in our world today. It has four times more antioxidants than goji berries, ten times the antioxidant level of blueberries and thirty times the antioxidant level of green tea. Of course you can eat or drink raw cacao powder, nibs (nature’s chocolate chips) but as your skin is the largest organ why not treat yourself to an authentic chocolate facial. More about (cocoa facials): They are addictive so administer wisely. One per week is the recommended dosage.
Cacao (from the Aztecs) is from the theobroma species meaning “food of the gods” so called for the goodness of its seeds. Mexicans named the pounded seed – chocolate. It was discovered 2,000 years ago in the tropical rainforest’s of the Americas and it is significantly high in antioxidants and nutrient rich.
Cacao is the number one source of magnesium for any food. Magnesium is one of the most deficient minerals in the modern world today. It is a great brain food. It is also the number one mineral in the heart.
Cacao has a high serotonin content which gives you the feeling of well-being. It can literally lift your mood.
Our Cocoa facials tantalizing your soul as they nourish and cleanse your skin. They leave your skin feeling firm, soft, and smooth!